Unscene Culture Classics

Episode 007 Don't Be a Menace - She the Zy-G.O.A.T

UnsceneCC Season 1 Episode 7

Shawn gets her wish when she and Brad watch Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood.  This is the movie that launched the podcast. Will this parody of "hood" movies scare Brad off, or spark a drive to see the movies it mocks?  

We discuss

  • The best and worst parts of the movie
  • Hairy toes and hot sauce
  • Bernie Mac
  • Haircut plot holes
  • And more

Did we get it right? Email us at UnsceneCC@gmail.com to let us know your thoughts on Don't be a Menace... and what other movies we should include in our journey!

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Shawn  00:10

What's up? What's up?


Brad  00:12



Shawn  00:14

Welcome to a new episode of unseen culture classics. 


Brad  00:18

This is seven, right? 


Shawn  00:21

Yeah, we're in Episode Seven. 


Brad  00:22

Lucky number seven. 


Shawn  00:24

Lucky Number Slevin. Okay, so I'm on the come into America. We told you we weren't going to get advice from your anymore. Because you led us astray. Yeah. But we put out a poem. So when will we we should do this week between Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood, or so plain? I've seen both. Barely has not seen either one. No. So we did a poem. Y'all told us Don't be a menace. So here we go. A parody of several US films about being in the hood. For instance, Boys in the Hood, South Central Minister society higher learning induced, and this came out in 1996. Tell me what you got what you think I got nothing. Nothing at all. It's a it's a parody movie. It's gonna be like a bunch of stuff. So they're gonna make fun of


Brad  01:24

some movies I've seen before. I assume Boys in the Hood, I assume. Don't be a menace to society. Society. Yeah, whatever. The society, they're gonna make fun of that. And I guess juice, but I haven't seen juice. So I won't get any of the jokes if they're in there.


Shawn  01:45

So of the movies like that they list on IMDb as part of the parody. I've seen higher learning and parts of juice. I don't think I've seen all the juice. But um, most of them are on our list too. Yeah. So this would be interesting to like, talk about. Maybe also, in retrospect, after we seen some of the other ones. That'll get all the jokes. But basically, I think making fun of the movies, and I guess if it's like any other parody movie with them to win it, it would just be like, kind of a bunch of sketches put together. And them to he's talking about Shawn and Marlon. Yeah, the weigh ins of Scary Movie movie Fame. And I guess, in their show, and everything else that they've done, and white chicks. Yeah. Yeah. So obviously, I didn't have anything based on synopsis because I've seen this movie. And you know, as we were watching it, I made a note as like day. I don't know how many times I've seen this movie, but I've seen it a lot. And I still remember everywhere. Laughing like, oh, no, if it's worth we'll talk about that later. Okay. But yeah, I love this movie. Yeah. So this is the one you said was your favorite one, right? Of the two? No. Well, I don't know. Jason's lyric is your favorite. But poetic justice in Jason's lyric. But you want me to watch this one? Yeah, really bad. Yeah. This is why we started the whole podcast. Yeah, so we can watch these movies. Right? And talk about? Yeah. All right, here we go. This is the one that sparked at all. It is the funnest part at all. How did it turn out? It was good. Okay, made it so good. So like I say, I've seen this movie a bunch of times. Never watched it like to analyze or discuss. So this was a different lens for me. But the opening scene, there's a stop sign that says I wouldn't stop here. And I thought that was pretty funny. Because like, obviously, we've been in neighborhoods or riding around somewhere in like, this. This doesn't look quite right. Like I don't think I want to get stuck here or run out of gas here. I know goes down. Yeah. Yeah. And then, and that same thing. Two people get shot, like within a minute, and everyone just keeps going about their day. I like that name. Redemption. I'm going to do gun sound again. Was this more of a book? Or what did it sound like? Nah, it was like a single shot. What? Try that again? Okay. I didn't know we were gonna be making gun sales today. I wasn't prepared for that. Yeah. So then I don't know what Bradley was doing. But he kind of missed the next part where ashtray is like getting dropped off. And he's like, let me tell you how it really isn't a hood and he's telling his story. And now he has to go live with his father, who's Britain's favorite guy are the other two. Yep, the other tape from famously from Jason's lyric. Other tape. Yeah. And other tape is the father and there'll be minutes. He's ashtrays father. So ashtray goes in the house. And they're talking and I don't remember exactly what part but at one point in Bradley's like, Wait, is this supposed to be his father? And I'm like, yeah, he said that. I don't know where you were. Yeah, it was pretty funny. Yeah. And he's older than his father. So yeah. Um, but then his father's like, giving him a hair cut. Right in there in the kitchen. He's giving him a hair cut. And there's two things that I never noticed here. One, he has like a plastic sheet completely covering the stove. Like this stove is completely covered in plastic. Yeah. And I was like, what, like this not a thing. It's kind of like, you know, like, your grandparents have all their furniture, covered in plastic and stuff. But it still was covered. And then after the hair cut, I always thought, you know, like, he put alcohol on the back of his head, you know, where he cut and stung, whatever. But I looked at the bottle as he lifted and they said ammonia. Yeah, it's not good. No. So yeah, I thought that was pretty funny. But Romain neck. So also in nursing when they're getting their hair cut. ashtray is talking about his almost sexual encounter with this girl, and then her mother walked in. Yeah. Did you have any thoughts on that? No. I'm trying to forget that scene. That is so funny. It was funny. I didn't. I knew you were gonna have something to say about it. It was a good sight gag. Yeah. caught me off guard. Yeah, it was funny. Says, um, you know, like, I feel like in other movies like this institution relations like that. They always show the guy like, Oh, somebody's come in. They hop out the window or something. Or they try to hide. But this the mother was like, Nah, I'm gonna be a part of this. Yeah.


Brad  07:04

Get back down there. When she's there. Hold on now. Yeah, lamb I will say they didn't like overplay the joke. Like they showed her. And then that was it. Like, they didn't like make a turn around or nothing weird like that. Yeah, just average jiggling or whatever.


Shawn  07:21

Just showed up, showed her yams. And that was it. Yeah. And then the father was like, You should have got the mom was number Shiva real fruit. Oh, I'm gonna say this now. Because later on, I have a note about it. The father cuts kick me into his head. Yeah. Okay. And no one kicked him. No, terrible continuity, but I'm gonna say why stretch. So we're gonna get into that. All right. So he gets his hair cut. Like, where's the payoff? That's what I'm saying. I got to know about this later on. All right, but it's irrelevant. So I had to bring it up. Now. I had to bring up the fact that it says kick me. All right. Okay. All right. He's Benjamin's father, then he's like, Alright, let me go find my homie. And he went to go find Luke dog. Oh, yeah. And he walks in the house. And I noticed this before, but I thought it was very interesting. Everything in the refrigerator. Like it's just all 40 ounces. They have a water cooler, I assume is full of alcohol. And then the mother's feeding a baby. And it's like a mini 40. Instead of a like an actual baby bottle. The grandmother has a 40 Like everybody, this is all they drink. They don't have any water in this house. Any real food. And if she pours her 40 into the pie, whatever she's cooking. Yeah. So I wanted to talk about that. So you know how they have like beer better like fish. Yeah. Or do you going to try it? What do you think we could try 40 battered tilapia or Nana, tilapia or cod. I mean, like fish and chips, but 40 battered. That's so funny. I'm not even surprised that you asked this question.


Brad  09:10

I wrote it down. Okay. I wanted to remember this. All right. Sure. Oh, yeah. Okay, we're gonna get some Mickey's or whatever.


Shawn  09:21

I think that's the one I like. The Hornet. No idea. Oh, shame. So we're gonna make some, but already better. Fish and chips. Yes. I will tell you how to taste. It will probably taste amazing. But also, that leads me into my other point. Throughout the whole movie, I was waiting. There's a lot of 40 jokes. Not 140 was wasted. Like another movie. No, no, no, no, that's not true. At the end, well, not at the end when they were at the OGS house. Look dog had a 40 and he like took a sip and just toss the bottle. Just a sip. Yes, it will. It was like almost empty. I was empty. Yeah. And then he talked about backwash. That's the worst part. Okay, that's fine. Okay. So I understand why new you're gonna bring that point up.


Brad  10:12

I remember that part to go when he threw it. I was like, oh, but he had he didn't have a lot left. So it was okay. Okay, but Jason, he took one sip and said, bye. And just like put it on the hood or the car or whatever.


Shawn  10:26

I got, you know, 40s were worse. Jason the making of this movie. Jason's lyric, your basic Okay, about the 40s All right. Um, so that yeah, so all that happened with the 40s and then ashtray finally goes well, he tried is going to look dogs room. He's about to get killed. Because guns popping off. Shooting through the door. Yeah, I don't think that was a sale. But then look. It's a sound. It is a



sale. He's like, trains that you you better announce yourself something like


Shawn  11:03

that. But anyway, he has like a law. Not even like a fashion show. But he's trying to match his gun to his shoes. Like, what should I wear? I ended up was pretty fine. Yeah, but he didn't even match anything to the slippers. He was just like, oh, I'll just wear these. Yeah, yeah. Big pink slippers. Alright, so then they talk about they're gonna go find their friends, preach and Crazy Legs and go to this party. Yeah. So I noticed there was a mail truck that drove by. Actually, it might have been his mail truck. But on a bag of spray paint that Janet was here. And I was like, ah, that's poetic justice. Because, you know, they take the road trip and a mail truck. Well, you don't know. I don't know. Yeah, so they take the road trip. No mail truck. Well, now we can watch a movie. Oh, yes, we can. I'm spoiled. Yeah. No, you're not. No, you're not. You're not spoiled at all. Well, now I know the whole plot. No, you know, you go on a road trip and take a mail truck. Flight and there's not really any flight and Tupac kisses Janee with his nose ring. That happens, right? Oh my goodness. Anyway, I can't watch it now. Yes, you can. And you will say Jamie was here. And I was like, Oh, I never noticed that before. But then they get to this party. And they show these three guys and they had three levels of sagging. Like when do is just sagging a little bit. One is kind of like his knees and the other one's always had his ankles. I was like day the 90s were wild. Like people really weren't saying hard. People saw sagging. Yeah. And sagging for decades. Yeah, I don't think it's as bad now. Mm hmm. I don't know anybody.


Brad  12:42

They just second was skinny jeans now. Yeah. Which is kind of even dumber, like baggy made sense. They're big. Skinny jeans. They like get a belt and just tie it. Yeah. Well,


Shawn  12:54

that's the thing. Like, I felt like back then when people were saying and they didn't have belts, like nobody wore a belt. Yeah. Now, like they're saying, and what about when would you say well, they were YSL belts, but still second somehow? Yeah. Yeah. Like that's the whole point of a belt. Not to say they they're not saying and they just stopped their pants and they tie the belts. But I thought that was funny. And then resell so old. Well, it is what it is. Right? It is what it is. We 30 Plus, but we ended 35. Yeah. Alright, so at the party looked out. And AK de lo gun flirt scene. He's like, Oh, that's the lady like she took her 40 to the head. And then he went over there and like put a gun to her head and say give me your number. Yeah, um, so I always remember that part. And I remember him walking away with the number but I feel like I don't know maybe it's like edited for TV or whatever. But I never remember them going back and forth pointing their guns at different body parts. Yeah, went a little too long. Yeah, right. So I think you know, maybe when I watched this before, like they just couldn't show that much gun violence on TV or something. So that that was something new. Yeah. So that's all I got until toothpicks lawyer is good to go to do I think before that was a black guy. That a preach. Preach. Yeah, he had a white girl. I liked that part. Yeah. His we call her my white queen. No, it was it was alliteration with what am Oh, my mayonnaise. It was something. Yeah, it was funny. I didn't. I didn't write it down because it wasn't like, but she she wasn't cute. Now she had she had an instrument in her hand. Yeah, she had a guitar and glasses. Yeah, you busted. I must say Nana Ramona gets on glasses people but she went cute. Yeah, the glasses are fine. The glasses. They make her ugly. Her face did right Uh oh. And then that was also, like, a point a running joke, I guess. Because preach is supposed to be like all black power. And you know, we're against the man and all of this and his friends are like, Why do you keep being with the white women? And he's like, Oh, I'm just doing to them what the white man has done to us all this time. And then I guess we should talk about as Jamie and dashiki know her kids that she got like seven. One of them's Asian. Yeah, and one of them is white, I think. Oh, yeah, yeah.


Brad  15:32

Yeah, he just he just wants her because she's fine. She's basically like, a parody of lyric. And I feel like the girl from Minister society good. Doesn't the girl from Minister society have a kid? And


Shawn  15:46

I didn't see him in a society. Oh, that's why it's on our list. Oh. Oh, boy. That'll be fun. I wish I guess either way. He just looked at me. That'd be fine. Okay, so yeah, so ashtray, Mr. shaky. And she's like, Oh, I'm leaving the hood in a few days, blah, blah, blah. You should come with me. And it's my take on these kids. And then they started making out at this party. So toothpick is I don't know what I guess he's supposed to be. I don't know if he's a drug dealer, but he's some kind of gangster or something. But he just got out of jail. And he's like, playing cards with his friends. And then they're like, oh, look, dashi because they're kissing his food. And then he starts talking about going back to jail. He's like,



I scared to go to jail. Take me to jail. Lock me up, throw away the key. And then he says something about like smashing to do in jail. And the friends are like,


Shawn  16:49

whoa. Two picks the best part of movie? I think, for me, really, really funny. Oh, so funny. Every single time. It's funny. Yeah. So his friends are like looking at him real weird. Like, do you like you like being women? Um, and he's like, No, I'm just playing. I'm just playing. So look, dog and ashtray end up leaving his party. And they go, because yeah, he had more funny jokes. Like, when he tried to bet up cigarettes. Oh, yeah. President and when he wanted to cut his chicken and he had his friend pass on Shiv you started started saying yeah, that was fine and bones but yeah, so after the party, they go to the store like a corner store these Asians on the store is like a man and a woman I assume husband and wife and they're watching look dog and ashtray the whole time, but his wife do walks and befriend them and it's like stealing all this crap. And they like completely ignore him. But they're just following the black dudes. The Asian lady keeps popping up what uh, what Akina? Say message message. Yeah, the Asian lady keeps popping up. Hurry up and bye. Bye. I like I like to party cheese in the freezer. That was pretty funny. Um, yeah, so she's trying to get him out the store. And it's interesting to me because I'm like, how are you gonna have a corner store in the black community? And then you don't even want the black people in your store? What like what I mean, that's high bar. Yeah, that's how it is in real life though. So yeah, so they're to store the white guy stealing a bunch of stuff and then looked up he I guess he leaves out and looked on ashtray they finally go they try to pay for their stuff. And then randomly the Asian guys like I feel sorry for your mother. So random like they weren't rude disrespectful, anything. You haven't seen medicine society. So this scene will make more sense when we watch that movie. Okay, because there's a direct parody of that movie. Gotcha. All right. But yes, it is I don't know where so there look dog ties around what you say about my mama and then just us popping up and he's like doing the Tootsie Roll. Why he she and the agent lady Morgantown? Down I've heard I've heard make that noise No, no, no, no. No. Yeah, we gotta work on our guns. Yeah, that's kinda. I'll give you that when it's like a trench coat. I'll give you that one. Um, it's on my Alma foot. Yeah, it's So every time every time look duck shoot something. She's like,



Oh $5 Sure $10 Give me money. Give me money.


Shawn  20:10

You got paid for that. Yeah. So then all of a sudden, this random guy shot goes off. And ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, and it hits the sort of doing a ricochet. Anyone who wasn't sure. imitating someone, same thing. It is the overhead light, and the light light drops on Asian couple. And ashtrays like what you do. Hula It wasn't me. I didn't do it. And then the white guy reappears. And he says catch low to catch the guy. And then the white guy crosses look dog's name off of his last name list. And there's like all these black people that the man like mines got in trouble. Mike Tyson. Yeah. Oh, Jay. Oh, Jay. And there were some other names. There's another one. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then they look at each other. And they're like, the government. Yeah. They may have portrayed in our community after this. ashtray is like, oh, I need to go take my test to get my license. I needed to take my driver's test. And all of this stuff has been happening in one day. It's been the same day, when he first got to his father's house, then the party then the store. And now this diamond test is all the same guy. Yeah. So I noticed when he got in the well, not when he got in the car when the instructor got in the car, and he like turned to look at him. Like kick me was gone from the back of his head. Like it wasn't? Exactly. It wasn't a cut into his head anymore. What do you call that? Trash? Yeah. His head and grobag in a span of 12 hours. Now, yeah, my thing that I'm over analyzing a parody from the late 90s. But trash. But that's why nobody kicked him because it wasn't his head anymore after he left the kitchen. Trash. I don't know. I need to one kick. Yeah. Yeah. You know, like, what was it? It was a recce one. Which one was, I just needed? One kick one. Just one. Yeah. Well, you're gonna get that. So the instructor gets in a car. And they said they structured like 10 this way turn this way. Pull up here. And Bradley's like, oh, no, not the getaway car. I've just seen too many movies. Yeah. And Shona. The driving instructor went and robbed the bank. Man. He hit him with the Office voice at first. Like, Hello, there. Let's speak in your test. Then he hopped out the app that the bank? Draw a fool. I was like, okay, yeah, that's the clean version. Yeah. Yeah, so then, like, I guess that was kind of the end of it. And then did Astra go to dashiki? Next, this movie is like, I guess. Let's let's get this. Yeah. A little hard to remember the flow of the movie, because I'm trying to think, did they? Oh, yeah. Yeah, he definitely went to dashiki first, and he's like, Oh, she's teaching me about foreplay, whatever. And they're in the kitchen. Yeah. And she's pouring the Kool Aid all over him. But the part I wanted to talk about is when he was like, sucking the hot sauce of her toes. Oh, yeah. Because he pulled her cycle. And they clearly show she had all this hair on on her toes and stuff. Yeah. A troll. Yeah. And then he put the hot sauce on him. And then when they showed him like licking the hot sauce, her regular feed had no hair again. Yeah, I need to get this film together. She had hair in one scene. The next scene. She didn't have anything but then he was fake choking or pulling hair out of his mouth. So do you like when you when you think about Kool Aid, do you? Do you know flavors? Only colors? Like once you poured it on where you like, that's, that's cherry Are we like that's really cool. So, like, I used to drink coolie. And like I would know the flavors because I would mix them. But like if I'm just if I'm not the one that made it then No, it's just whatever the color is. Yeah. And that one had


Brad  24:48

a 60 to 40 water to Kool Aid ratio. Yeah, that's really thin, pretty light. And they definitely didn't put sugar in it. Right for You. Kool Aid aficionados. Yeah.


Shawn  24:59

Oh, Um, but yeah, I just thought that that last scene was gross. And then her her government cheese was melted like Candlewick. Oh, yeah. I like that part. Hit my man. Yeah. That is exactly how he's ended up. Yeah. So then, after a little foreplay or whatever they go, they smash. And then ashtag is like, I'm going to sleep. And she gets mad and brains like she pregnant. And she said, Ash, I



wake up. I'm pregnant.


Shawn  25:34

He's like, already.



She's like, I got seven kids full. I know when I'm


Shawn  25:39

pregnant. I mean, after the seventh time, you probably know once when it happens. Yeah, once you know you got to want you probably know when you guys I go. Yeah. So then she's mad, because he's like, Oh, I'm not ready to be found there. And she started like kicking around the house and throw some other dudes clothes at him and stuff. So he got me to have a look dog. And they go to a place that's called a chicken in all change. And I was like, I don't think I noticed the name when I played before, but it was super Breezy and very disgusting. I would never eat from there or get my car serviced. Like that was so crazy to me. Um, and he's talking and he's talking about that she he being pregnant. And the guy who works there, you can clearly tell like he must master her to and like, oh, is this my baby? And she's like, what she told me she hasn't been with anybody else in the last 20 minutes. And the guy looks at his watch. And he's like, Oh, good. Like, it ain't me. It's not my baby. So I guess he was with her more than 20 minutes ago. But that was and then. And then the worst part of the movie, the worst part. ashtray and log dog are chitlin actually don't know what you're about to say. This police car pulls up. This is not the worst part of the movie. There's like a white officer with a bullhorn. And he's like, Oh, standard when they pay patches, rub your stomach and patch it hit rub your belly patch. Hey, whatever, voc all this stuff. Then Bernie Mac comes,


Brad  27:16

you know department a voc reminded me a lot of media man, when they pick up the modeling book and start voting against each other. Oh, yeah. Watch me do me.


Shawn  27:27

We can watch me at me. We're not gonna talk about it, because we've seen it but unless you really want us to. Oh, if there is somebody who hasn't watched media man, and you want to and you want to be a guest? Let us know. Yeah. So Bernie Mac comes out of the car. And his name in the credits is Officer self hatred. And his his Yano Bernie man super black. And he's like, I hate black people.



I hate my lips cuz they black No, I hate my gums cuz they black. I hate Whoopi Goldberg lips


Shawn  28:03

for I was dying when he's Oh, my God. I just I hate the whole part. Yeah, every his name and all this black stuff. They hate. And the only funny part is he said I hate to back and forth with it because I know it's knows comedic gold. Yeah. And then he hates Wesley Snipes. But I don't like most of all. I hate Wesley Snipes. Yeah, right. Yeah, bro. This is too funny. No, that's like, That scene is so cringy to me. I hate it so much. All right, Joe. Is this even funny? No, it's not. No, it's not. self hatred is a correct name. Because he he hated everything about being black. Do you want to do another poll? So we're gonna find out? Hmm. All right. So then the police take the man they get arrested. And all the white police officers. Typical portrayal. They're eating donuts, but they're also playing an arcade game called Raw needs. Right? And it's like, they show the screen and it's Rodney King being brutalized. So messed up. Yeah. I think we missed something, though. Well,


Brad  29:15

you didn't miss it. I just, I liked a few things that we didn't discuss. So, you know, at the beginning, like when he's hanging out with the grandmother, he like beats her up or whatever. Yeah, punches. But later on, because she's like a recurring character. But later on, she goes to church, and they had a church battle. Yeah, I bet it's pretty funny. It was really random. But I like that. Like they're like breakdancing.


Shawn  29:41

I was trying to figure out if the guys were playing them when they were doing that the dancing heroes Shawn and Marlon Yeah, because clearly it wasn't the Oh women. I just thought some random Professor breakdancers Gotcha. But that was pretty funny. And then the real Omar Epps was no movie He was, yeah, he he popped up before that before the hairy feet stuff. And he and he played his character Malik. Yeah, but he got he got Captain this one. Yeah. So hit big Remy, shoot him. Yeah. And then he also had a list, like demand in the store. Yeah, I couldn't say I didn't see what his list said. But I saw a radio. Raheem was on there above Malik. It was like something like, people trying to get out of the hood or something like that. Okay. Yeah, so they were, they had this whole thing. And they were like, oh, Malik is the first person to make that the hood to go to college. And then and then he did on the steps. First step bubble. Yep. All right. But then they they flipped to toothpick. And Drew. They're like, Oh, such and such one get jumped in. Right. So suppose big game, and you think jump in? Yeah, they better throw hands. He gotta get jumped in to be a part of the game. Well, and this parody, jump in means double dutch. And I was like, if I had to, if I had to be jumped into a gang, and I had to be jumped in by jumping into double dutch. I would not make it. Nah, I have never done production in my life. I knew that. Yeah. And they were killing it. And to pick I don't know if you noticed in the background, he was like dancing. And he was like, oh. And he's like, doing his little spin and kind of not at work, but he was doing something. Don't put me in that. And then this is where I noticed that in every scene that he was in his tattoos were different. Yeah. I think when he first showed him, it was a flower. Yeah. And then he has like, the three empty teardrops. Yeah. And I can't remember what it was this time when I wrote it down. I know that at the end, it's a peace sign. But I was like, I just noticed this. And then I think a little bit after. Oh, maybe it was when he had the peace sign. You were like, I just notice his tattoos are different. Yeah, that was when Yeah, and I was like, Oh, I got a note about that. So that was I kind of, I don't know what I felt about it. But I was just like, Oh, that's weird. And then it's the next day. And I guess ashtray had time to think and what was going on? And he wants to get out there. More think about trade and he realizes he's in love with dashiki. And there's only been a day. Yeah. So crazy. That's like a JSON and lyric. Nothing more time went by than that. Here's a love it are pretty fast. I guess bashing him seven kids. She had a crazy brother. Yeah. Did you just keep trying to hate on Jason's lyric. Anyway? Yeah. So they went to another party that same day, right? Because that's when what's her name? Terry Vaughn. She like turned into the demon. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think about the girl with the bad hygiene? It was funny. Not funny enough for me to write it down. Your breasts thing? She passed gas. And what was the other thing? Oh, she dug up her nose. Yeah. And said Men are always so intimidated by me. Yeah. Yes, I think they were leaving that party. When toothpicks guy came up to him right. And was like, I heard you God does she know? He's like, which one your ashtray? I heard you got that? Shiki pregnant. Oh, yeah. You talking about a jumper? Yeah, so they like stomped them. Flat. wrestling moves. They did a dosey doe. Yeah, preach this. I'm real fun. He does some crazy thing. I think he liked this on flying elbow. It was really funny. Yeah. And before that, he was like, bent over and looked like jumped over his bed. Yeah. Yeah, so they like completely stumped him out. And then they're like, oh, after that. We knew we needed some backup like we had to get some help. So we went to the OG the OG aka Bartholomew, Bartholomew. I told you to clean your room



that was it. She's living with his mother. Al on a porch. Try and be so hard. Now that came out


Shawn  35:06

not wrong with like, saving money being economical.



His mother came out was like, did not tell you to clean your room. He's not in front of my gang. I'm the leader. She's like, you better be here. In 10 minutes. Are you gonna be walking down the street with three shoes? Do you want your bike?


Shawn  35:28

But, um, yeah, so then they were like, are you gonna roll with us? Like, we need you? And he's, I can't. My mama said I'm punished. I can't lead a porch. Are we gonna hold the porch down? But he held the porch down. And then to figure his crew came rolling up rolling, rolling, rolling and drive I don't know. Insert guns. So they just popping off pop, pop, pop, pop, pop pop. They didn't hit anybody except Crazy Legs wheelchair. And he like rolls off the porch and to the street. And then the car hits him. Yeah, he goes flying. So they like get him to go to the hospital. And basically, that's like, the worst hospital you won't be in is a man that's gonna fire a skeleton because he'd been waiting for so long. No, fire is pretty funny. Um, and l is in here. From, uh, ya know, from Alicia and the Parkers. Yeah. And she's like, I don't think she's a nurse. But she's, and she's pulling all this stuff like her bra. And tell them they need to sign this, like 100 page document. Um, so anyway, Great Lakes finally get seen. And then his friends go check on him. And he's like, the doctor said, I never be able to walk again. So they all start crying. And I like for you remember last for five years? That's right. You? Yes, right. That can't be his real voice right


Brad  37:08

now. And I don't I don't know. He's probably making fun of. Yeah, if y'all know what character he probably making fun of that talk like that. Let y'all let me know. Because I know in Boys in the Hood there one kid who like still uses a pacifier or whatever. But he don't talk like a baby, right?


Shawn  37:25

Oh, no, because he never he had a pacifier attached to his his head. So. Yeah, no, no, no, no. But I mean, if it's a parody, then they can change it. Yeah. Yeah. So Oh, hello, dog bakes a cake. They make it seem like he the guy just dealing him some cocaine or something. Yeah, he weapon at work. But no, he weapon that other word. Yeah. Make a cake. And then there's the other job by the end in front of dashikis house when they like preparing to leave an ashtray about the rollout with a football gear. And then her son was there. And it's randomly her other kids were in her arm. But they weren't there in the beginning. Yeah, there's two picks crew again. They still want to travel. So then this one they kill like some neighbors and stuff. In trigger shot, but he survives. Yeah. Look, dog, I guess stayed in the hood. Tray and that she could get out. Here's a comedian. No. Oh, right. Right. He was a comedian. CRAZY LEGS got to dance. That was his dream had to be a dancer. Preach ended up with the white girl. Grandma was the G she popped out the trash can. The dumpster shooting people were taps on my head off. What are the President's mass? Yeah, where do presidents live? Which we haven't seen yet? No, but I know to look. Yeah. I got it. Yeah. You said she chopped someone's head. All right. Yeah. Yeah. He's like grainy. What was that you got the juice now? And she was like, Shut up mother. And then just took a machete out and job potato? Yeah. I didn't know. It was very jarring. Yeah, it caught me off guard is great. I don't know if it was funny. But it was unexpected, I guess. Yeah. And that's pretty much it. Yeah. So did you think it was a movie? Do you have a favorite part? I hated part. Bernie Mac was your favorite? Yes. He was my hated. Yes. Okay.


Brad  39:31

I think the only bad thing is the movie has just like weird pacing. But I feel like that's just the nature of like some parodies, like sketch based. Because they they just put a bunch of scenes together. Yeah, try to make a plot with the scene. And then sometimes it just didn't work. Could you get to like, the 40 minute mark and like


Shawn  39:54

how long have I been watching it? Just got gets kind of weird, but I have fun. Okay, raining would you give it? I give it four gun sounds that makes me happy. I would get a four. You wouldn't give it a five. No, I wouldn't give it five I get a four. So wait, did you give anything a five? Did you give Jason circle five? Yes. Oh, wow. So it didn't even meet the JSON lyrics. Standard. All right. Like I really like it, but it's apparently it's not like a real movies. I can't give it a five.


Brad  40:32

Yeah, man, parodies are hard because there's not like their own thing. Everything is based off a knowledge from other movies. So like if you watch every new like every single thing that I record fun of it probably even be like, if I'd be even funnier.


Shawn  40:49

Yeah, see, we need to rewatch it after we have some of that other stuff. Yeah. Yeah. A Redux. Um, yeah. So like I said earlier, I hated the Bernie Mac part. Just the worst part. I didn't. I don't think I have a favorite part because I like the whole mood. You talk in crazy. All right, beat Bernie. I'm not talking crazy disrespectful. disrespectful to himself in the black community. Hey, Mark gums Good day. So Black. Right. Hit the back of his neck. Right? That is I I can't even get the line out because it's so funny. The way he said it is so good. Can ya tell Sean that you trippin? I am not. And we're gonna do a poll. Yeah, we'll do a poll. All right. Yeah. So I don't really have a favorite part. Because I'd like everything else except for that. The whole movie. Yeah, yeah. basical is one of my faves from the 90s. Like I said, I still knew worth work. And I don't know how many years it's been since I've seen it. And then I guess we should have mentioned Kenan was in it. He had appearances. Kim had appearances. Oh, yeah. Shout out to Kim and then the nephew. Yeah, he. He died. Yeah. In the movie. Yeah. In the movie. He Yeah. Hit the chronic a little too hard, or probably was laced with something actually. Oh, yeah. He started foaming at the mouth. Yeah. And they were like, oh, that must be real good. Yeah. They had to hit it. Yeah. Would you watch it again? Yeah, but I want to watch those restaurant movies. And then watch it again. Yeah. We'll come back to that. After we watch the movies as baseline. You do that? Now? Like anything else you want? Say? No, you got any advice for the people out there watching the movie? I don't bet it's funny. If you haven't seen it. Hopefully, this intrigued you to go take a closer look. Yeah, and let us know if you like it. Yeah. For me, I would say a lesson I learned from the movie is every feet at Tabasco make a delicious treat. That's so funny.


Brad  43:05

If you have a special lady or dude in your life, get some Tabasco,  go to town.


Shawn  43:13

And what I learned is take your 40 Outside the hood to drink it. 


Brad  43:17

And don't waste it. 


Shawn  43:18

Yeah, bad things happen in the hood. Oh, we didn't talk about that one scene when he said you know, I'm a pour out for my dead homies. And then it was like a bunch of bodies. But y'all Yeah, the dude blinked. So he wasn't dead like y'all needed a better actor or refilm that scene. 


Brad  43:36

Yeah, it's hard to not to blink when you get splashed randomly in the eye with some 40. water. 


Shawn  43:42

Well, they should have figured it out. Because I was like, Oh, that man eye moved to a moved. Yeah, yeah. I'm pretty sure to Asian lady moved too after she was supposed to be dead. Probably. Yeah. All right. That's all we got ya'll. Don't be a menace. Don't drink your juice on the south side, south central.